What if you could have full control over how you feel and how well you move? What if you could learn how stress, anxiety, and injuries make your neck and shoulders stiff, tight, and uncomfortable—and what you can do about it? Come and learn how to quickly release and relax all the muscles of your neck and shoulders to experience deep relaxation and greatly improved comfort and range of motion. Sign up and discover how easy it is to feel free again with Essential Somatics® Movements.

What's Included

    1. Getting Ready

    2. How Somatic Movement Can Change Your Life

    3. What is SMA?

    4. The Three Stress Reflexes

    5. What is Pandiculation?

    1. Introduction (Audio Only)

    2. Movement Segment Part 1

    3. Movement Segment Part 2

    1. Movement Segment Part 1 - Audio

    2. Movement Segment Part 2 - Audio

    1. Visual Summary for Neck & Shoulders Movements PDF

    2. Supple Neck & Shoulders Workshop BONUS

About this course

  • $85.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content


Colm McDonnell

Colm McDonnell, CCSE graduated from the inaugural Essential Somatics® Clinical Somatic Education Training in 2015. Colm holds a diploma in Holistic Massage, ITEC (2006) and is a qualified Sports Injury Therapist, NSRT (2007). Colm is based in Dublin, Ireland where he runs Learn Somatics. Colm personally used Somatics to resolve several chronic injuries he accumulated over the years through martial arts, strength training, and life in general. He is passionate about teaching people how they too can resolve their pain, improve their movement, and be their most potent selves through a regular Somatic Movement practice.